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Additional options to study IT

There are several opportunities to study IT online. Here we will gather options in Estonian, Finnish and English.

In English:

The project offers free training courses in English, Latvian and Lithuanian on various ICT topics. People in the Baltic States can learn how to use the business and data analysis in training series Business and Data Analysis, how to develop programs and apps for desktop and mobile phones in courses Low-code/No-code platform fundamentals, the basics of Python programming, and how to work with a Microsoft 365 account

Riga TechGirls (LV) and Women Go Tech (LT), in close cooperation with Accenture Baltics, is offering basic technology training in Microsoft .NET, JAVA, Big Data, JavaScript, SAP and DevOps, Low Code for women with STEM, engineering, business, law, social science or medical educational background. We are happy to support the most motivated women to develop new forward-looking professional skills with no study fee.

Whether you want to be a professional Software Developer, Project Manager, Cyber Security Analyst, Cloud, Network, or general IT specialist, from Women in Tech you can find trainings in key areas in Tech.

Free Online Courses With Certificates & Diplomas. Courses about cryptocurrency, blockchain, computer networking and server management. You can take free classes for in-demand languages like Python, JavaScript and C++, applying for official certification to take your programming career to the next level. We also cover growing skills like pentesting, full stack and MEAN stack development, and database management.All courses have been developed by top IT organizations like CodeRed (premium cybersecurity tutorials), Microsoft (the world’s most successful software developer), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (a division of the US Department of Commerce) and the Computing Technology Industry Association (or CompTIA, an American IT certification group). We work with the best to bring you the best.

Expand your horizons as you explore online classes from Skillshare with a free trial. Discover new skills, techniques, and tools for a wide range of creative topics, from photography and graphic design, to drawing and animation. Whether you're a beginner or a master, a dabbler or a pro, you'll be able to try online classes with your Skillshare free trial to help you take your skills to the next level. During your trial, try classes that can help you learn new ways to use software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Procreate, and After Effects, or learn handmade techniques in painting, hand lettering, and illustration (and after your trial, continue to explore thousands more!). 

Free Online Courses from the world’s best institutions. Some courses are for free, other with a fee. A lot of IT related topics available: programming, blockchain, cloud computing, etc.

Free Online Coding Courses

Learn to code — for free. Build projects. Earn certifications.

Since 2014, more than 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies including: Google, Microsoft, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

LinkedIn learning includes several courses in IT areas, such as cloud computing, devops, data science,  IT help desk, database management, mobile development, coding, etc. All courses are available for a monthly fee.

Several free coursers that can be a good starting point to study IT. For example intro to SQL, HTML, online data security and many more.

Free coursers on coding, incl. Frontend, backend, Q&A, Devops..

Udemy includes hundreds of IT related coursers regards coding, SQL, cyber security, etc. Courses are for a fee, but often include promotions, so it is possible to get courses for 14,99 per month.

Whether you're writing your first CV or deepening your technical knowledge, our library is full of ways to sharpen your digital skillset. Careers Certs, introductory digital skills courses, cloud computing, an app to test your programming skills, etc.

Coursera offers several courses, certificates, etc. related to IT (coding, data anlaytics, cyber security, etc). There are free courses also available, and there is an opportunity to apply for a scholarship that covers the tuition fee.

INCO Academy Green Digital Skills is a free certificate program that equips you with the knowledge and skills to build sustainable digital solutions.

Virtual Skill-Up is an Immersive Learning smartphone app that lets you practice your communication skills in real-life situations to build your confidence. Whether it’s practicing Interviewing, Public Speaking or Pitching – this app is a safe place for you to learn.

As the workplace evolves, Microsoft is dedicated to providing the tools to empower you and your organization to achieve great things, along with the technical training you need to make it happen from anywhere. Microsoft Virtual Training Days are free, in-depth, virtual training events that guide you toward the many possibilities for career and organizational impact today and tomorrow.
With weekly events to match every skill level, this is your opportunity to grow your technical skills and gain the confidence to navigate what’s ahead. 

The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform offers a range of resources that can support you on your journey. 

Firstly, we encourage you to explore the Careers section. There, you will find a dose of inspiration on identifying job opportunities and enhancing your professional growth.  

Another go-to is the Platform's training catalogue. Thanks to the wide variety of training opportunities gathered in one place, you will be able to pick some courses that fit your skill level and purpose best – whether you want to get a general understanding of new technologies or take an advanced class on a specialised topic.

Develop fluency in 67 programming languages with our unique blend of learning, practice and mentoring. Exercism is fun, effective and 100% free, forever.

100% placement rate! 42 is the first computer programming school that is entirely free and available to students with or without degrees who are 18-years or older. Its teaching methods are based on peer learning: no teachers, no lectures, fully hands on. 42 allows students to free their creativity through project learning.

Google Cloud has released a new learning path on Generative AI. The path includes nine free courses that cover the fundamentals of Generative AI, as well as how to use Google Cloud products and technologies to create and deploy generative AI solutions.

The learning path is designed for anyone who wants to learn more about Generative AI, including developers, data scientists, and business leaders. The courses are self-paced and can be completed at your own pace.

In Estonian:

„Vali IT!“ program is a 3,5-month intensive hands-on sofware developer training that focuses on retraining professionals in other disciplines by providing them with basic software developer skills. Participants must complete 6 weeks of full-time study (5 days per week, up to 8 hours per day). This is followed by an 8-week (40 working days, up to 8 hours a day) internship in companies.

Starting from 2023 available also in English

Kood/Jõhvi is a top-level hands-on programming school designed for adults of all ages who are looking for opportunities for self-development or retraining. It is a two-year full-time program that takes place in Jõhvi.

Nortal is offering you a chance to challenge yourself far beyond limits of traditional education and immerse yourself in real-world projects at Nortal’s Winter University in Estonia. From day one it is real work on real projects with a real salary. Meaning that as soon as you enter Winter University, you will be part of Nortal’s team of experts and get a chance to work on our projects and different tasks that create a meaningful impact.

BSC is offering a wide range of IT courses some for free and other with a fee.

Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi toetatava tegevuse „Täiskasvanuhariduse edendamine ja õppimisvõimaluste avardamine“ eesmärk on motiveerida täiskasvanuid õppima ning luua kvaliteetsed, paindlikud ning tööturu arenguvajadusi arvestavad õppimisvõimalused. Kursuste nimekiri täieneb pidevalt, ning aeg-ajalt on olemas ka IT valdkonna koolitusvõimalused.

Praktilised õppeprogrammid, mis annavad aluse vajalikele oskustele, et saavutaksid oma karjäärialase eesmärgi. Kursused on kuutasuga (ci 35 euri kuu). Kuruste läbimiseks on võimalik saada toetust ka töötukassalt (kui oled töötuna arvel).

Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool viib Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi täienduskoolituste riikliku koolitustellimuse (RKT) tegevuse “Täiskasvanuhariduse edendamine ja õppimisvõimaluste avardamine“ raames läbi tasuta täiskasvanute täienduskoolitusi. Koolituste seas on ka IT-ga seotud koolitusi, näiteks tööstusrobotite programmeerimine. Koolituskava täieneb jooksvalt.

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool pakub 2022/2023 õppeaastal Euroopa Liidu Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi toetava tegevuse „Täiskasvanuhariduse edendamine ja õppimisvõimaluste avardamine“ programmi raames tasuta täienduskoolitusi. Koolituste seas on palju IT-ga seotud koolitusi (ka vene keeles).

Start-it lehel saab tutvuda erinevate IT ametite profiilidega.

Erinevate IT ametite tutvustused ja nõudmised kandidaadile.

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool pakub  Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi täienduskoolituste riikliku koolitustellimuse (RKT) tegevuse “Täiskasvanuhariduse edendamine ja õppimisvõimaluste avardamine“ raames tasuta täienduskoolitusi. Koolitusi rahastatakse Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi ja Eesti riigi vahenditest.

E-täiendusõppe puhul toimub õppetöö kas osaliselt või täielikult veebis. See on mugav viis end täiendada – 2023. aastal osales ligi 75% Tartu Ülikooli täiendusõppijatest põim- või veebiõppe koolitustel.

In Finland /in English and in Finnish:

Free events to inspire women to start a career in IT +  a free coding school where anyone can apply & no previous coding experience is needed. Hive Helsinki Campus is 24/7 and studies are conducted with practical, project-based approach.

Valtakunnallinen Mimmit koodaa -ohjelma murtaa yhdessä yritysten avulla IT-alaan liittyviä myyttejä ja stereotypioita. Ohjelma osoittaa, että alalle voi lähteä kuka vain – koodaaminen ja ohjelmistokehitys kuuluvat ihan kaikille!

Learn sketching, prototyping, basic programming and get introduced to the world of technology. Rails Girls was born in Finland, but is nowadays a global, non-profit volunteer community.

And we need each other. We’re a group of people in Finland — from newbies to experts — who are committed to supporting women in tech right here where we live

Integrify connects software developers to work in companies based in Finland through staffing and customized training programs. Integrify is a modern talent accelerator – we make sure that our partners can grow their tech teams with top talent.

Herizon is a non-profit with a mission of improving immigrant women's employment in tech. We've trained over 100 individuals with an excellent 94% employment rate. Programs in English.

FITech Network University offers selected studies from all Finnish universities of technology. Update your digital and other skills free of charge. Courses are open and available for everyone from high school students to adults in working life.

Hive Helsinki is a 100% free coding school for people of all backgrounds. If you're open-minded, motivated and ready to commit to the Hive program, you have what it takes to apply. You must be at least 18 or have completed basic comprehensive education, but no coding experience or prior degrees are required.

The Shortcut is an impact-driven non-profit organization dedicated to professional integration, career transformation and entrepreneurship in Finland. We are deeply embedded in the startup ecosystem, funded by the Startup Foundation and have the same parent organization as Slush, Maria 01 and Junction. 

We bridge the gap between job seekers and companies in Finland by providing in-demand training and fostering a growth mindset in the community. 

Recordings from
"She Works in Tech Career Day"

Impressive line-up of inspiring women sharing practical insights into various IT roles.

  • Elena Van Leemput, CTO at Business Technology Forum (Sofigate)

  • Taehee Lee, Customer Support Quality Lead at Supermetrics

  • Ina Bilaj, Cybersecurity Consultant at Deloitte

  • Aigerim Nukenova, Data Analytics Engineer at Forenom

  • Ursula Koski, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services

  • Adalgisa Lira Freitas Santos, Service Design Expert at KONE

  • Paula Marchi de Medeiros, UX Designer at Fortum

With 45 min presentations, followed by engaging Q&A sessions covering topics like what their role entails, company inclusivity, internships, and international opportunities.

This event was tailored for women inetrested in the IT field. Organized by IWWOF Ry, The Shortcut, Smartwork Academy, and Herizon.


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