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Telia | Women in Tech 


TECHCAST is a podcast series dedicated to helping women pivot their careers into IT and tech, exploring new opportunities and pathways into the industry.

Ten episodes will be published in every third week. You can find them here or directly from Telia Youtube channel. 

Techast is in Estonian and powered by Telia Eesti, Taltech and Smartworkacademy.

Techcast episodes


IT offers flexibility and numerous opportunities to specialize and find the most suitable field for yourself. Additionally, IT provides flexibility in work hours and location, enabling a better balance between work and personal life, not to mention the above-average salaries.

Surprisingly, you don't need to return to university or have a technical background to transition into IT. It's possible to change direction even if you've previously pursued different paths. In this episode, you'll hear from three inspiring women who have entered the IT field through various routes.

Guests: Anette Mandel, Service Manager at TEHIK, who completed the 12-month Work In Tech retraining program in IT Support; Catlyn Kirna, a specialist at TalTech's IT College, who transitioned from the humanities to IT organically; and Ingrid Lepik, Junior Developer at SEB, a graduate of both the 12-month Work In Tech retraining program and the Vali-IT program.

Host: Katrin Aarma.

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